Ecommerce Essentials Azimuth Interactive
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Revolution Is Just Beginning
Chapter 2: E-commerce Business Models and Concepts
Chapter 3: E-commerce Infrastructure: The Internet, Web, and Mobile Platform
Chapter 4: Building an E-commerce Presence: Websites, Mobile Sites, and Apps
Chapter 5: Online Security and Payment Systems
Chapter 6: E-commerce Marketing and Advertising Concepts
Chapter 7: Social, Mobile, and Local Marketing
Chapter 8: Ethical, Social, and Political Issues in E-commerce
Chapter 9: Online Retail and Services
Chapter 10: Online Content and Media
Chapter 11: Social Networks, Auctions, and Portals
Chapter 12: B2B E-commerce: Supply Chain Management and Collaborative Commerce

Appendix 1: The Marketing Plan


    1. Target Market--Who are the customers?

      1. We will be selling primarily to (check all that apply):

          Total Percent
        of Business
        a. Private sector       ______       ______
        b. Wholesalers ______       ______
        c. Retailers ______       ______
        d. Government ______       ______
        e. Other ______       ______

      2. We will be targeting customers by:

        a. Product line/services.
            We will target specific lines:
        b. Geographic area? Which areas?       ________________
        c. Sales? We will target sales of ________________
        d. Industry? Our target industry is: ________________
        e. Other? ________________

      3. How much will our selected market spend on our type of product or service this coming year?


    2. Competition

      1. Who are our competitors?

        NAME ________________________________________
        ADDRESS ________________________________________
        Years in Business ___________________
        Market Share ___________________
        Price/Strategy ___________________
        Product/Service Features ___________________

      2. How competitive is the market?

        High ____________________
        Medium       ____________________
        Low ____________________

      3. List below your strengths and weaknesses compared to your competition (consider such areas as location, size of resources, reputation, services, personnel, etc.):

        1._______________________       1._______________________
        2._______________________ 2._______________________
        3._______________________ 3._______________________
        4._______________________ 4._______________________

    3. Environment

      1. The following are some important economic factors that will affect our product or service (such as trade area growth, industry health, economic trends, taxes, rising energy prices, etc.):

      2. The following are some important legal factors that will affect our market:

      3. The following are some important government factors:

      4. The following are other environmental factors that will affect our market, but over which we have no control:


    1. Description

      1. Describe here what the product/service is and what it does:

    2. Comparison

      1. What advantages does our product/service have over those of the competition (consider such things as unique features, patents, expertise, special training, etc.)?

      2. What disadvantages does it have?

    3. Some Considerations

      1. Where will you get your materials and supplies?

      2. List other considerations:


    1. Image

      1. First, what kind of image do we want to have (such as cheap but good, or exclusiveness, or customer-oriented or highest quality, or convenience, or speed, or...)?

    2. Features

      1. List the features we will emphasize:
        1. __________________________________________
        2. __________________________________________
        3. __________________________________________

    3. Pricing

      1. We will be using the following pricing strategy:
        a. Markup on cost ____      What % markup? _____
        b. Suggested price ____    
        c. Competitive ____    
        d. Below competition   ____    
        e. Premium price ____    
        f. Other ____    

      2. Are our prices in line with our image?
        YES___       NO___

      3. Do our prices cover costs and leave a margin of profit?
        YES___       NO___

    4. Customer Services

      1. List the customer services we provide:
        1. ____________________________________________
        2. ____________________________________________
        3. ____________________________________________

      2. These are our sales/credit terms:
        1. ____________________________________________
        2. ____________________________________________
        3. ____________________________________________

      3. The competition offers the following services:
        1. ____________________________________________
        2. ____________________________________________
        3. ____________________________________________

    5. Advertising/Promotion

      1. These are the things we wish to say about the business:

      2. We will use the following advertising/promotion sources:
        1. Internet ________
        2. Television/Radio ________
        3. Direct mail ________
        4. Personal contacts ________
        5. Trade associations       ________
        6. Newspaper ________
        7. Magazines ________
        8. Yellow Pages ________
        9. Billboard ________
        10. Other ________

      3. The following are the reasons why we consider the media we have chosen to be the most effective: